分享 秋老虎发威的时候老人也要预防中风的危险
高远换 2011-8-12 14:49
立秋刚过,天气仍然炎热。最近秋老虎开始发威,炎热的同时湿度已经开始下降,很多与干燥有关的疾病会高发,也就是中医说的“秋燥”,所以不论是健康人还是有慢性疾病的人,在这个时节要多补充水分。   这个时节需要着重预防的常见病:一是感冒。此时尤其是抵抗力较差的老年人和儿童特别要注意,晚上睡觉最好穿长袖 ...
365 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 夏季小孩子在车内比大人更容易中暑
高远换 2011-8-12 14:47
日本研究人员日前宣布,他们通过模拟实验证实,在汽车车厢内温度达到45摄氏度的情况下,如果把3岁幼儿放在车内置之不理,只需13分钟孩子就会中暑。而大人在45摄氏度的环境中即使待上一个小时以上,也不会中暑。   中暑被认为是在丧失了相当于体重3%的水分时发病的,这相当于大人约损失2公斤水分,3岁幼儿约损失400 ...
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分享 心理专家从一个人的发的微薄就能看出一个人的性格
高远换 2011-8-12 14:46
三言两语发条消息、秀张图片,时下,微博成了最火热的互动方式之一。可“说者无心、看者有意”,小小的微博,也能看出你的性格特点。   美国马里兰大学人机互动研究室助理教授珍妮弗·吉尔伯特等对人们一年中的微博使用情况与性格进行了分析。结果发现,外向型的人通常关注度较高, 拥有较多 的“粉丝”,通常也意 ...
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分享 不幸福都是因为别人家的
高远换 2011-8-12 14:44
1、老婆说老公:你看看咱邻居XX,才工作几年,年纪轻轻的,都当上主任了。你看看你,干了半辈子,还是一个出力干活的。我跟着你,一辈子也别想享一天福了。 2、老公说老婆:你瞧瞧人家XX的老婆,温柔贤惠,对李四可是言听计从。你看看你,总是河东狮吼,哪有女人的样子! 3、父母说孩子:就说你的同学XX吧,和 ...
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分享 成绩虽差,却不耽误回答问题
高远换 2011-8-12 14:28
1、老师:“文文,你用要么……要么造一个句!” 文文想了想,然后大声喊道:“卖冰棒啦!要么?要么?” 2、一天,英文老师带了录音机来上课,准备播放一首名为《黄丝带结在老榆树上》的歌。听歌前,老师略述这首歌的故事:“一个快要出狱的犯人,写信给他的妻子,请她在家门前的老愉树上结条黄丝带,以示原谅。他 ...
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分享 of the province's population is
xinshiji 2011-6-17 14:51
to the competent department of the province's population is expected to predict, province over the next 20 years, the average annual birth population 85 million or so, take no account of population growth, by 2010 and institutions in 2020, our province should accept higher education working-age po ...
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分享 virtual economy of speculative
xinshiji 2011-6-17 14:48
ors, namely economic entity of uncertainty, virtual economy of speculative, information asymmetry effect and institutional endogenous risk. While in virtual economic risk manufacturing, government and intermediary organizations and individual speculators played an important role, therefore, in the ...
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分享 the development under the
xinshiji 2011-6-17 14:46
le-minded seeks the development under the new situation of the carried out, Three is to industrialization and urbanization in the combination of industrialization, 1949 to 1978 30 years, China is on heavy industrialization, take the form of farmers fill in work. This was not only should assume for ...
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分享 The second is driven by
xinshiji 2011-6-17 14:43
the opportunity, The second is driven by scientific progress, to increase economic efficiency and competitiveness as the center of industrialization. Since the 1990s, the world science and economic situation appear huge changes, mainly shown in three aspects: one is the "digital revolution" and ge ...
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分享 Truth is not same abstruse
xinshiji 2011-6-17 14:40
odiment of the economic modernization. Truth is not same abstruse, the economic basis determine superstructure, only industrialization, can use advanced industrial equipment and reconstruction of agriculture, to realize the modernization of agriculture, ability equipment and supporting powerful de ...
323 次阅读|0 个评论


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